The Sacred Codes of Agesta are magical numerical combinations to put our wishes into manifestation.How to use the Sacred Codes?It is advisable to find a comfortable place and be relaxed to be able to concentrate on the number to repeat, as well as the desire to manifest.Before you start you should keep in mind the purpose of your request and translate it into a sentence.Then repeat the chosen Code 45 times.It can be done by repeating the code out loud or also mentally, it is important to keep in mind the desire we are looking for.The number can be read in any way, for example it can read the whole number, every two digits or digit by digit.The number of days to repeat is to the liking of each person. On many occasions the manifestation is immediate, other people prefer to repeat it when they feel the need to do so.At the end of repeating 45 times the code should be closed with a sentence, for example: "Sacred Code activated, it is done".